
The Siren call of ‘should’
recedes into the tide
of accumulating years.

Beneath the surface, though,
still swirl the subtler soundings
of impulse and desire: 

    to ‘make a difference’ or
    to ‘make it so’;
    to ‘go the extra mile’;
    to ‘live life to the full’;
    to ‘keep my word’ and
    ‘fill the need’

Recurrent melodies
within the song of ‘I’,
these deepest ‘truths’
constrain the deepest lie.


For the wind to blow through me
I must open 
to the cracks in the universe
that let the light shine in;

must move
with the ability of grass
to give way
yet return to itself;

must dance
with the fluid abandon
and ecstatic release
of autumn trees.


Let the wind sing
through me,
carry the breath
of ‘I am’
into the greater chorus
that is life.

Let me continue
to shed old skins,
strip away
the shielding shadows
as I expand
into my fullness. 

Let me humbly inhabit
the cyclical rhythms
of the universe
that take me
beyond question and answer
to the paradox of all that is.

* The Hebrew ruach means “wind,” “breath,” or “spirit.” The corresponding Greek word is pneuma. Both words are commonly used in passages referring to the Holy Spirit.

March 2019